Monday 28 March 2011

Essential nutrients supply to the body

I have a friend of mine who is very fond of eating sweetened curd in lunch. Without that her meal is always incomplete and that feeling of sadness stays with her till evening. So to avoid from sinking into such mood- swings she will always buy a cup of sweetened curd and then the meal. Eating curd is best and if someone has the habit of eating it daily nothing like that. On the other hand if you are eating curd with two-three tablespoons of sugar or buying the sweetened curd it will not do much good. If the purpose is to ensure health benefits that arrive from eating curd, the wise thing would be stay away from packed sweetened curd that we get in the markets. May be its time that we rethink about the humble lactobacillus!

Eating homemade fresh curd with a pinch of salt is the best thing. If homemade curd isn`t available it would be best to buy curd packet from the market but make sure that it is not high on the sweet- content. It is a known fact that sweetened curd is tastier than its plain Jane counterpart but as the doctors say what tastes good in the mouth is less beneficial than what taste not so tasty in the mouth. Like we love to gorge on spicy spring rolls or burgers but they don`t do much good once it reaches our tummy. On the other hand we don`t like eating bitter-gourd or leafy vegetables much but they are coated with minerals and nutrients. Any detox cleanse diet in the initial stage is greeted with such mixed feelings. It is only when we have tortured our body to the maximum limits that the detox cleanse diet needs to be started with. People blame it on lifestyle, stress, food and things like that. Well these factors are there very much but what also to be noted is that we ourselves have become very lazy and careless when it comes to taking care. Many a times we feel that nothing would harm us and it is ok to go on the same way. Reluctance or rigidity whatever you may call- the end result is the body breaking into pieces badly. The body should be replenished with fluids. Apart from water, enriched milk, yogurt, soy milk, buttermilk is required to ensure digestion and ph balance of the body. These fluids have lactobacillus or good bacteria and as such the body needs it at all times.Before 1960s bifidobacterium species was collectively referred to as lactobacillus bifidus. If you happen to stay in tropics summer then the liquids deficiency of the body is only filled via these healthy natural drinks.

These cleansing agents are very much a part and parcel of our life and don`t wait for the calamity to strike. Make it a habit to nurture body via these essential nutrients.

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