Thursday 31 March 2011

Healthy intake builds healthy body

Health is something one should never neglect. It is in best interest of us, humans, to take good care of our body and not to neglect its requirements of balanced diet, proper rest and adequate intake of fiber as well as water. These days we eat loads of refined foods, unhealthy saturated fatty food. Our diet mostly consists of less fiber and consumption of water is less due to busy lifestyle. All this leads to various problems related to our digestive system, intestines and eventually our health. The food we consume is basically digested into our intestines and useful elements like salt, water, nutritious portions from foods are absorbed through these intestines and are then passed to various organs for further processing of conversion. Digested food is then thrown out of body in the form of urine and excrement. This is the whole process of digesting to food and cleansing the waste from body. The waste material created at the end of digestion process is toxin and needs to be thrown out of body. This digestion takes place in the large intestine which is also called colon. There are normally four parts of colon, which perform various functions related to digestion. Having a healthy body can be achieved through having a clean digestive system. Colon cleansing thus should be done regularly. There are many ways of doing this, but the most effective way is natural. This process does not have side effects.

Natural way of cleansing and detoxifying them is to eat more fibrous food like raw vegetables, more fruits, less refined and processed food and so on. Eating probiotic supplement foods can also help in adding fiber into digestion. This is another safe way to cleanse these organs. These supplements are rich in dietary fiber which is useful in having regular bowel movements. The basic thing is to balance the diet, add more fibrous foods, and regularly exercise in order to keep oneself fit and having regular bowel movement. Having at least one movement a day is a sign of healthy digestive system. This is the body’s natural way to cleanse internal toxins and clean the organs. Many big diseases are related to poor digestive system. Bifidobacterium is a very useful variety of bacteria as it helps in digestion, lowers down the risk of developing allergies as well as helps in the prevention of some form of tumor growth. Infrequent or poor movements may lead to disastrous illnesses. To avoid this it is highly recommended to eat balanced and proper food, complement it with supplements. Health is the greatest wealth.

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