Thursday 28 April 2011

The effects of colon cleansing

Colon cleansing is the process of cleansing the colon from waste products and the elimination of toxins causes improvements of one's body like over all well being, mental clarity and also increased physical energy. Colon is primasluggish colon is primarily the result of wrong dietary choices.

Wednesday 27 April 2011

Balanced Diet and Healthy life

A healthy life can be best achieved by not only knowing but also by following a strict diet. One must also know when to eat and how much to eat. A Healthy diet normally comprises of daily intake of lots of foods enriched with vitamins, irons, proteins and limited intake of fat and oily food substances. If a person just feels stressed out and bored with no enthusiasm in life then it is advisable for that person.

Best fish oil and other ingredients for colon cleansing

Just imagine your body having all the toxins. It is like keeping all the garbage inside your house and not throwing it out. There should be a perfect cleansing system in the body. There should be a proper out come of the toxins inside; if it would not happen then it could be disastrous for your body. Colon cleansing helps body in keeping a proper flow of the body system up to date.

Monday 25 April 2011

Colon Cleansing and maintaining proper balance of Lactobacillus

Colon is the place in our large intestine where fermentation of unabsorbed food material occurs. It is responsible for removing water and salt from solid wastes, but does not play a major role in absorption of nutrients. Since solid wastes are stored in colon, cleansing it regularly is very important for a healthy living. Otherwise the accumulated waste pumps toxins back into the blood stream causing diseases like hypertension, dizziness, acne, skin problems, insomnia and most importantly adverse conditions lead to colon cancer.

The best way to keep colon toxins at bay is the fish oil consumption

To keep your body clean and safe, just keeping if fit and fine externally is not enough, but internally too they need to get bucked up. The most important of all being the colon cleansing, it has there own kinds and types depending upon the person who needs to get cleansed. The best way out that people choose to get cleansed is the natural way. The home remedies are the ones that are always fetched for. The best fish oil is the best remedy for the colon detoxing.

Very often we wonder

Very often we wonder what it is that needs to be done in order to find the right partner for ourselves. It is a very important and long process, where we go out on regular quests to find someone who matches with our frequency. More often than not, we are met with disappointment and are compelled to start over again with the entire process. But the key here is that one should not give up easily on dating because eventually with patience you will find that special someone.

Friday 22 April 2011

Lactobacillus and Fish Oil works wonders for our body

Lactobacillus, a kind of bacteria is found in our digestive, urinary, and genital systems. It is also found in food substances such as yogurt and in dietary supplements. Lactobacillus is also useful in prevention and treatment of diarrhea, including the rotaviral diarrhea in children. Lactobacillus serves many functions, as it helps in the prevention of cough and cold and to prevent respiratory infections in children and vaginal infection and urinary tract infections in females. Skin disorders such as fever blisters, canker sores, eczema are also cured with the help of lactobacillus. Lactobacillus is also used to treat high cholesterol, lyme disease and hives.

We should be careful while choosing products containing lactobacillus as some of the products might contain some unfriendly bacteria. Lactobacillus is also known to reduce the effects of chemotherapy of a cancer patient as the chemotherapy drugs often lead to gastrointestinal problems and severe diarrhea.

Normally our body contains many kinds of bacteria. Lactobacillus is a friendly bacteria which helps to assimilate the food so that the body gets the right amount of nutrients. There is also a note of caution for individuals with a weakened immune system. Lactobacillus does not go down well with a weak immune system or short bowel syndrome, so it is necessary to take a doctor’s advice before taking lactobacillus.

Apart from lactobacillus our body benefits immensely from fish oil. Fish oil is known to have essential nutrients that are vital for or body. Our modern day diet often lacks in omega 3 fish oil. which has accounted for so many disorders related to heart and brain. Doctors often advise us to take supplements of omega 3. Many disorders are known to have cured with omega 3 fish oil supplementation. Brain which is the most vital organ of our body constitutes of fat.A part of the brain is made up of omega 3 fatty acids which is also known as DHA( docosahexaenoic acid).

Deficiency of fish oil in our body could lead to several disorders from the brain right from depression, anxiety, mood swings, bipolar disorder, postpartum depression, Alzheimer’s disease. Fish oil supplements are also known to improve memory and concentration. Fish oil is also known to treat cardiovascular disease and also known to have preventive properties regarding any kind of heart disease. Fish oil prevents from triggering a heart attack. It also reduces triglycerides which are directly linked to cholesterol. Since fish is contaminated with various toxins such as lead and mercury one can opt for molecular distillation oils that are free from toxins of any kind.

Lactobacillus- The friendly probiotic

As the research suggests, Probiotics are microorganisms, which are beneficial to health. Unlike other harmful bacteria, Probiotics helps to improve the immune system in humans and helps to enhance the digestive power. Scientific research has shown that the balances of friendly bacteria that are present inside a human’s body are hampered due to the strong side effects of antibiotics. Antibiotics cause certain chemicals in them for which harmful side effects occur like diarrhea, constipation, irritable syndrome, Crohn’s disease. Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus are the two main species of Probiotics, which are very much beneficial for our health. The bacteria, which are found in the small intestine, are mostly the species of lactobacillus, whereas, those found in the colon are species of bifidobacterium. As research indicates, Bifidobacteruim belong to the group of lactic acid bacteria. Both of these bacteria are considered very friendly for the human body.

However, there are certain criteria, which are to be considered before regarding bacteria to be probiotic. The first criteria is that the bacteria must be non- pathogenic, adhere to intestinal cells, stable in gastric juices and bile, capable of reproducing itself, produce acids etc. There are certain food products, which contains Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, like Yogurt and Kefir. The probiotics, which are present in Yogurt and kefir, helps to improve the digestive system. Before buying a bottle of Yogurt look for the label ‘live’ or ‘active’, this indicates that it contains acting and living bacteria, which in turn will enhance the digestive power inside the body. Kefir is a creamy milk drink; it is some way similar to Yogurt. Kefir contains bacteria such as Lactobacillus Caucasus.

Cheese is another dairy product, which contains useful bacteria. In blue cheese and other aged cheeses, useful probiotics are present in them. Other dairy products, which contain probiotics, are buttermilk and acidophilus, which undergoes the fermentation process and in turn breaks down the milk sugar into lactic acid. Acidophilus milk is in turn cultured with the probiotic Lactobacillus acidophilus. Probiotics are also present in nondairy fermented foods, such as fermented cabbage, Korean spicy cabbage, fermented soybeans products and Soya sauce. However, some commercial brands of fermented foods like fermented cabbage do not contain probiotics.

According to recent research analysis, probiotic therapies provides numerous health benefits like, they help to re establish the normal functioning of the intestines, prevents colon cancer, helps to reduce irritable bowel syndrome and colitis, improves the total immunity power and helps to prevent infections. Lactobacillus colon cleansing is done with the help of carefully tested herbs to achieve a state of perfect health Therefore, intake probiotics food supplements to keep you healthy and fresh.

Benefits of fish oil, during pregnancy

Are you a prenatal mom?

As a prenatal mom, you have to think a lot about the health of the baby in your womb. After all you have to nurture a life in you. There are a few vitamins which are provided to the would- be –moms. Certainly, you can not get satisfy with only vitamins. Cellular basics are very much important. During pregnancy you need to use the fish oil, not only the fish oil but the best fish oil. This can help in making healthy blood and bones of the life, which has not opened eyes, yet.

For the reason that proteins can- not fulfill the needs of a growing baby in you, you should only rely on fatty acids and also on the supplements like fish oil; they lead to a healthy brain development in the fetus. Doctors and physicians also refer the best Fish oil, because fishes and other sea-foods can be sometime venomous during pre natal stage, if they are not well cooked.

Lazy days, resting days:

Pregnancy days are lazy days because as a would- be-mom, you need more rest. Well cooked and healthy fish is always better than Fish oil, but the real problem is, that it is too difficult for a pregnant mother to do much toil. Usually, moms become lazy during the period of pregnancy. So if they don’t have help then it becomes too difficult for them to cook for themselves. So using the best fish oil also lessens the efforts of cooking. It also provides them the food supplements, they need. Omega 3 is the best fish oil which consist a rich number of food suppliemts, needed for growth of fetus. It also prevents miscarriages.

Periodical check-ups help to know that baby is growing, in weight. Hemoglobin tests are also conducted to see, if the want of blood is fulfilled or not. Actually the level of hemoglobin decreases as the baby grows and takes the blood to grow.

Necessarily seek doctor’s advice:

Take the right dosage under the guidance of your doctor. Where an under dose of fish oil can cause deficiency. There an overdosing can be much devastating. What is right dose for the pregnant mother? It depends upon the medical history of that particular mom. Several tests are conducted during the pregnancy stage. Only those tests can be the mediums to know, what the right dose for taking fish oil is?

As the research suggests, Probiotics are microorganisms, which are beneficial to health. Unlike other harmful bacteria, Probiotics helps to improve the immune system in humans and helps to enhance the digestive power. Scientific research has shown that the balances of friendly bacteria that are present inside a human’s body are hampered due to the strong side effects of antibiotics. Antibiotics cause certain chemicals in them for which harmful side effects occur like diarrhea, constipation, irritable syndrome, Crohn’s disease. Bifid bacterium and Lactobacillus are the two main species of Probiotics, which are very much beneficial for our health. The bacteria, which are found in the small intestine, are mostly the species of Lactobacillus, whereas, those found in the colon are species of bifid bacterium. As research indicates, Bifidobacteruim belong to the group of lactic acid bacteria. Both of these bacteria are considered very friendly for the human body.

However, there are certain criteria, which are to be considered before regarding bacteria to be probiotic. The first criteria is that the bacteria must be non- pathogenic, adhere to intestinal cells, stable in gastric juices and bile, capable of reproducing itself, produce acids etc. There are certain food products, which contains Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, like Yogurt and Kefir. The probiotics, which are present in Yogurt and kefir, helps to improve the digestive system. Before buying a bottle of Yogurt look for the label ‘live’ or ‘active’, this indicates that it contains acting and living bacteria, which in turn will enhance the digestive power inside the body. Kefir is a creamy milk drink; it is some way similar to Yogurt. Kefir contains bacteria such as Lactobacillus Caucasus.

Cheese is another dairy product, which contains useful bacteria. In blue cheese and other aged cheeses, useful probiotics are present in them. Other dairy products, which contain probiotics, are buttermilk and acidophilus, which undergoes the fermentation process and in turn breaks down the milk sugar into lactic acid. Acidophilus milk is in turn cultured with the probiotic Lactobacillus acidophilus. Probiotics are also present in nondairy fermented foods, such as fermented cabbage, Korean spicy cabbage, fermented soybeans products and Soya sauce. However, some commercial brands of fermented foods like fermented cabbage do not contain probiotics.

According to recent research analysis, probiotic therapies provides numerous health benefits like, they help to re establish the normal functioning of the intestines, prevents colon cancer, helps to reduce irritable bowel syndrome and colitis, improves the total immunity power and helps to prevent infections. Therefore, intake probiotics food supplements to keep you healthy and fresh.

Wednesday 20 April 2011

The art of colon cleansing

Colon cleansing is an integral part of herbal therapy - perfectly natural, tender, safe and tested over a long period of time. Detoxification or purification of the body is considered mandatory for any treatment. Lactobacillus Colon cleansing is done with the help of carefully tested herbs to achieve a state of perfect health. These herbs are the main ingredients for body purification in this system leading to mental health and soul realization. It can be called a herbal dietary supplement in the modern context.

Colon cleanse takes a weak to accumulate old feces and waste matter before attempting to throw it out. Total detoxification enables the body to absorb, assimilate and digest vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates and other nutrients only when one starts eating again. The full benefit of this system has to be experienced to be understood. The feeling of renewed vigour, energy, vitality and health is indescribable after a colon cleanse.

It takes seven days for the bowels to evacuate properly and smoothly, liberate the body from the curse of constipation and make digestion fully effective. The key to this treatment is patience - and understand the working of nature. Colon problems if left untracked can manifest into chronic fatigue, toxic poisoning and even cancer. It erodes energy and kills the body and mind.

Lactobacillus acidophilus is a desirable and commonly present probiotic which is popularly called friendly bacteria. These are responsible for keeping the intestines, stomach, urinal track and procreative organs healthy by protecting hostile and harmful agents from entering and creating disease and sickness. The multiple mechanisms which help in propelling this benevolent process consists of the breaking down of food particles by the friendly bacteria which stimulate the production of hydrogen peroxide, lactic acid and some such byproducts which prevent the breeding of harmful organisms. Lactobacillus acidophilus is also responsible for producing lactase. Lactase is an enzyme which breaks down milk sugar in simpler version. Lactobacillus is helpful for those who cannot tolerate lactose and are low on the production of enzyme.
It is very difficult to identify the right colon cleanse for an individual from our times for this reason. However colon cleansing abides as an immensely desirable system of cleansing and rehabilitation to eliminate common and serious health problems like constipation, indigestion, fatigue, irritation, toxicity, acidity, foul breath, skin allergies and even colon cancer.

Fight malnutrition with good quality fish oil

Health problems are very common with humans, because our bodies are to some extent fragile. Even though we have a good immune system, we do fall prey to some chronic and communicable diseases every now and then. Although falling sick once in a while is not a bad thing, but this happening too often is definitely a bad sign for the person. The recurring diseases, be it communicable infections of other problems related to body organs, means that our body is not in a good shape and there is something lacking in us. The main thing that has an impact on our health is nutrition, without which our body starts becoming like a hollow shell. Nutrients are like the foundation and building blocks of body, the lack of which shows itself in the form of weakness and makes us prone to diseases. Hence, it is imperative that a person takes good care of their diet and ensure that they are consuming all the necessary nutrients from food.

There are many food items and genre which are known to be the best sources of a variety of nutrients. Fish oil and other fish based food items are one of those food products which are known to provide many nutrients at the same time. The most important nutrient found in the best fish oil is omega 3 fatty acid, which is known to be good for the heart and blood circulation. Besides its positive effect on the circulatory system, the best fish oil is also known to reduce the chances of a person contracting cancer. This is a very good thing because cancer is a dreaded disease and still does not have a definite cure in western medicine. So, consumption of fish oil will make your immune system strong and streamlined to prevent any group of cells or tissues to leave the path of normalcy and becoming cancerous.

Moreover, the best fish oil is also known to be beneficial for the bones, as it makes them strong and impervious. It is a known fact that the bones become weak as a person ages, and hence has many problems like arthritis and osteoporosis. So, taking small amounts of fish oil on a regular basis helps in increased absorption of calcium in the body, which fills out the pores in the old bones and rejuvenates them for long lasting health.

Friday 15 April 2011

How Bifidobacterium and lactobacillus are useful to our body?

As it is well known that there are plenty of bacterium and viruses all around, and while many of them are detrimental to our body, there are others that are known for their great therapeutic values. Incidentally, two such important bacteria including the Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus are regarded as the great food supplement substitutes for our body. These bacteria are classified as Probiotics, the special type of microorganisms, which basically improve the process of digestion and keep the body stay fit and fine.

These two classes of microorganism are commonly found in the small intestine of our body; however, the density of the Bifidobacterium is more than its counterpart. In fact, these two bacteria serve as the efficient shields to the intestine by fighting any possible bugs to occur and thus maintaining its health well. Also, the lactobacillus is largely responsible in this concern, which also curbs the development of yeast as well as prevents the ailment condition of food poisoning. That is why to improve the health of your intestine and maintain your digestion process workable; it is worthwhile to include dairy items like buttermilk, cheese, milk, yogurt, kefir in your regular diet. In addition to these, the fermented products like soyabean, soya sauce and cabbage are some other good sources to take in.

What more, these Probiotics work wonders in making the immunity of the body stronger; influentially aid in the absorption of certain basic body minerals like calcium, iron calcium, iodine, iron, magnesium phosphorus, selenium etc. Researchers have also found that Lactobacillus and bifidobacterium prevent the occurrence of colon cancer and bowel colistis. To put fine point on the traits of these special microorganisms, they are exceptionally sensitive and have a rather smaller and precarious lifespan as a result of which they must be refrigerated.

While the Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus have been endorsed to be useful and safe by the World Health Organization (or The WHO), yet there are a few side effects that have been typically found in extremely ill patients with pancreatitis and those with low immunity power. Again, considering the pro effectiveness of Bifidobacterium, it restores the immunity power of the ill person and improves the bowel movement process enabling him/her to feel better. With respect to so many therapeutic values, many patients intend to gulp the edible products inclusive of the probiotics to drive away all the unwanted infections, diseases and other unwanted minor disorders related to intestine or digestive system. Therefore, if you or anyone in your circle is affected by any of the intestinal diseases, feel free to start the intake of the Probiotics to lead a better healthy life for sure.

Clean body is healthy body

We take innumerable pains to clean our house. There is an old proverb that cleanliness is next to godliness. We clean and tidy up our house in order to live in a healthy and more productive environment! Such clean and healthy atmosphere is supposed to bring in the positive energy in house and eventually into our life. Like our house even our body needs to be clean from within as well as from outside. We take utmost care to make our body clean from outside. Take a closer look, do we take similar pains to make our body clean from within? Meaning do we support the cleaning system, i.e. the intestines, to throw out the waste created in the process of digestion? Not completely! Our wrong eating habits like consuming lots of processed food and less of food which contains fibers, one of the most helpful elements for cleansing, and irregular exercise schedule do not help our colons, meaning the intestines, in cleaning up the whole system. Let’s see how the above mentioned elements help in clearing the system. Colon is the intestine. It helps in digesting the food particles and absorbs the nutritious particles from food then passes it on to the other parts. The waste, like digested food and bacteria, created during this process is thrown out of our system with the help of intestine. Due to some reasons the colon is unable to clear the whole system. Thus external help is sought in the form of supplements like lactobacillus which help in colon cleansing naturally. The content of this supplement are very much natural and are completely safe for regular use. This cleansing is required with regular intervals and is recommended for those whose system does not get cleared naturally.

A clean system helps in digestion and makes our body healthy. Having a fit and light system can help us concentrate on our routinely schedule properly. Having no waste material remained inside the body definitely helps in longer run as well. A healthy body is achieved by having cleaner internal system. Not so clean system may attract many types of diseases and most of our diseases are due to unclear system. Hence it is very much vital for our healthy and more productive existence to have a clean colon. Thus a clean body is only the healthy body, which will be more productive and sharp mind within.

Wednesday 13 April 2011

The Internal Clean-UP!

Nowadays, its very common and accepted fact of life that we all do eat a lot of unhealthy junk-food in our daily lifestyle. No one even cares about it. There is one reason why one should not worry, we have a good immunity and defense system in our body to fight the 'bad sectors' that enter our body. But if thats the reason, you gave to yourself while eating your last pizza or burger; you are indeed seriously ignorant about the limitations of our body. Our body cannot literally fight and protect us against anything. Variety of harmful toxins and degrader oxidants are present in the air we breathe and the food we eat. These toxins are rejected by our body, but they do remain lying as a potential threat in our intestine. Such toxins and harmful agents must be removed and cleaned from our large intestine, called colon. Colons are susceptible to many toxins and threats from alien particles.

Hence our body requires colon cleansing at times. Colon cleansing is an ancient science since the Greek era. Colon cleansing removes all the harmful inhabitant parasitic particles from our intestine and protect us form intestinal disorders. There are many traditional ways to perform colon cleansing like: Colonic Irrigation and Enemas but these treatments involve physical insertion of tubes and fluid pumping in ones anus or from your mouth hence are avoided by many people. Other method involves laxatives. Laxatives can only clean the bowel by flushing out the excretable material only. It does not work on the solid compact masses that are firmly bound to the colon. But there is one natural and easier way out.

Colon cleansing using lactobacillus is a much more simpler and effective method. Lactobacillus comprises of friendly bacteria that detoxify our intestines naturally and effectively. The pro-biotic lactobacillus bacteria help in degrading the toxins and easily removing them in the form of bio-waste. The method excludes the limitations like harm to intestine, internal amoebic infection, dehydration etc, which occur during usage of traditional methods.

Thus, pro-biotic colon cleansing using lactobacillus is a boon to our intestines and hence our health

Tuesday 12 April 2011

Richest resource of Bifidobacterium

It has been the nature of the existence that there is always a good and a bad part of every single thing in this universe, we cant escape it or cannot change it! It has to be accepted. Well this article is not about the philosophy of life, but its about a good bacteria called 'bifidobacterium', yes you read it right it sure is a very good bacteria, so as I said earlier there is always good and bad about everything in the world, so this bacteria is amongst the good ones.

The best way to get this dude! Is through Yogurt, as Yogurt is formed by the bacterial fermentation of milk, and so it is one of the richest resources of bifidobacterium. And if you want to do colon cleansing yogurt can be very useful for that too. Yoghurt's is beneficial for many problems some of them are 'reduced gastrointestinal infections', 'improving resistance to illness and infection', 'reduced incidence of weakened bone strength' and 'greater resistance to cancer'.

So here is a simple recepie of this simple but highly effective food:

1 pound fresh or frozen cranberries
1/2 to 3/4 cup granulated sugar
1 1/4 cups whipping cream
2 tablespoons plain yogurt
Put cranberries in a saucepan and pour 1 cup boiling water over.
Cover and leave for 5 minutes.
Bring to simmering point, cook for 5 minutes, turn off the heat and leave for 5 minutes.
Bring to simmering point again and cook for 5 minutes.
Remove from the heat, stir in the sugar, and reduce to a puree.
Allow to cool.
In a bowl, lightly whip the cream with the yogurt, then fold into the puree.
Pour the mixture into a container.
Cover and freeze until firm, beating twice at hourly intervals.
About 20 minutes before serving, transfer the ice cream to the refrigerator.

The Highly Beneficial Bifidobacterium

The human body is extremely complex because of the many mechanisms taking place and helping in its proper functioning. These mechanisms occur with the help of the various systems that constitute our body, all responsible for their own unique functions. Our digestive system is one such system, which is responsible for one of the most important functions, which is nutrition. The digestive system, with the help of its many supporting organs, ingests digests and absorbs food nutrients. The food that we eat, plant based or animal based, contains small amounts of nutrients, which are required by our body for normal growth, development, and sustenance. Without this nutrition, it would not be possible for any human being to survive more than a few days. Hence, the well being of the digestive system and the proper functioning of the digestion mechanism are really important for us.

It is interesting to note that there are some microorganisms, especially from the bacteria species, that are present inside our digestive system. These bacterium, are helpful in the digestion process and they need to be present in our digestive tract. One such bacterium is bifidobacterium, which has been found in good quantities inside our intestines. They help in colon cleansing by ensuring that the digestion process is occurring normally and that the insides of the intestines are clean. This is made sure because of their metabolism, which eventually digests the complex food materials for our body. Colon cleansing is considered very important for us because any unwanted material persisting inside our system can cause infection and other problems for us.

Bifidobacterium not only helps in the digestion process and colon cleansing, it has also been suggested that it helps in preventing certain forms of cancer. Additionally, it is also very effective in prohibiting the growth of harmful bacterial and fungal species inside our digestive system, thereby helping us remain disease free to a large extent. Considering the many advantages of having bifidobacterium in our system, there are probiotic foods available in the market to ensure that people with their deficiency can regain its colony. The food industry has capitalized on its many advantages and used it in the development of food items that can be consumed without a prescription also. However, in case you are eating bifidobacterium probiotic foods to fend off the effects of some particular medical condition, then it is advisable to consult your doctor on amounts and frequency of consumption.

Wednesday 6 April 2011

Role of a healthy colon in a persons life

Colon is directly connected to many parts of the body and in general a healthy colon causes one to lead a healthy and happy life style. The problems in colon is genuinely related directly with the improper eating patterns and wrong lifestyle of people .It is hence vital to maintain a healthy colon by taking in natural colon cleansing supplements available in the consumer market.

Colon cleansing is considered as one of the healthiest and modern trend to reduce one's weight and maintain healthier immune system for the body. Colons are found to contain a lot of waste materials and according to recent researches unhealthy colon is mainly due to the intake of chemically processed foods available in the general stores. The unhealthy colon might cause many health issues like head aches,severe abdominal pains ,and in severe conditions it can even cause cancer disease also.

Hence colon cleansing is surely the only option which could prevent one from being infected from such horrible diseases. In order to start the colon cleanse it is vital to intake adequate amount of water and at least 25 grams of soluble fiber in one's diet. Experts advice everyone to take ample of water. For example if one has a weight of 180 pounds then half of which is 90 pounds of non carbonated water should be taken daily to restore that person's colon function ability.

Herbs play a major role in these colon cleansing recepies. Many home made recepies and information about it is available in the online websites.

Pro biotic supplement is available in the local medical stores. Many doctors advice people above 60 to take pro biotic supplement to aid in the improvement in the performance of their digestive system. This includes a good bacteria called lactobacillus which aids in the elimination of bad bacteria .The balance between the good and the bad bacteria is maintained by pro biotic supplement..

The name of the friendly bacteria in the intestine is termed as "flora" .It is responsible for the digestion of a body and when there is an imbalance of flora in the digestive tract then the person would crave for unhealthy choices of food. A simple pro biotic supplement would play great role in diminishing the craving for particular sweets or sugars .The symptoms of unusual cravings for sweet or flour is clinically proven to be one symptom of bad colon in a person's body and it is vital for that person to maintain a healthy colon by taking required pro biotic supplement prescribed by his physician.

Colon cleansing to detoxify your system

Your colon has to perform a lot of functions apart from passing out waste material and bacteria. It absorbs water and mineral salts and these are so vital for your body. The colon also helps to maintain the balance of body fluids and electrolyte. So what will happen to the body if the colon is unable to perform these functions? This may be the case if there are fecal matter deposits in your colon. These deposits lead to build-up of harmful toxins and once these spread throughout the body it leads to serious health consequences. Therefore you have to keep your colon clean through periodic colon cleansing. A lot of people may not be familiar with this term but it is very much there and is an effective method to maintain the colon.

It has been observed that in most cases waste food is not eliminated properly. This means waste material remains in the colon for a long time which may extend up to years. So just imagine the condition of your body which has to tolerate the poisoning and toxic effects of wastes that are holed up in your colon. This is why a lot of people suffer from constipation. Therefore to detoxify your body and to rejuvenate your health you need to undergo colon cleansing. It is the most effective method and is natural and easy. You just need to make some lifestyle and dietary changes and you are sure to get good results. Also make it a point to drink lots of water which should be preferably in proportion to your weight.

Your body also needs a probiotic supplement. This supplement helps in the maintenance of your digestive system.Bifidobacterium and lactobacillus are the most common type of microorganisms used in probiotics. A healthy digestive system ensures good health because it enables the body to absorb nutrients and minerals properly. The digestive tract contains both good and bad bacteria in a balanced manner. Several factors like diet, stress, intake of antibiotics etc affect this natural balance and as a result good bacteria get eliminated. This makes you sick and prone to lot of diseases. To regain this balance you have to take probiotics. Probiotics help in releasing good bacteria in your gut.

A probiotic supplement contains sufficient varieties of friendly bacteria. These beneficial bacteria aids detoxification and also fight bad bacteria. As a result you experience regular bowel movements. This is great news for your colon. Probiotics also help replenish your intestines thus enabling you to lead a healthy lifestyle

Tuesday 5 April 2011

Bifidobacterium and lactobacillus- Effective probiotics

There are certain types of bacteria which are good for our health. Probiotics are living micro organisms which contains beneficiary elements for our body. Today they are used as dietary supplements to improve and maintain the good health of the intestines and the digestive organs. The term ‘probiotics’ was derived from the Greek word was first introduced in 1953 by Kollath. Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus are the most common type of microorganisms used in probiotics. If you are looking for a food supplement containing probiotics then you must be concerned about the presence of Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus.

According to medical research, there are species of lactobacillus bacteria found in the small intestine. Whereas, in the colon area majority of bacteria are Bifidobacterium. According to research, Bifidobacterium belong to the lactic acid group of bacteria. These are considered to be good bacteria that fight the bad bacteria, thus helping to keep your intestine in good health. Lactobacillus protects the intestine from infections, overgrowth of yeast and even food poisoning. In some of the dairy product like yogurt, milk, buttermilk, cheese and kefir there are traces of these two bacteria is found. However, there are certain types of fermented products like fermented cabbage, fermented soyabean product and Soya sauce.

Probiotics also helps a lot to increase the immune system of the body, improvement of the absorption of calcium and iron minerals, prevents colon cancer, improvement in the symptoms of irritable bowel colitis etc. being extremely sensitive and having a very short self life, it is always advisable to keep them refrigerated. Probiotics are safe as they are approved by The World Health Organization as well. However there are some side effects but they only effects negatively to very ill patients with pancreatitis and low immune system. Bifidobacterium helps to decrease the side effects caused by antibiotics, helps to normalize bowel movements etc. some people also consume these probiotics to infuse good bacteria in their body which are some how damaged by diarrhea, radiation, chemotherapy, antibiotics or any other causes. Therefore, do not be afraid to gulp a proper dose of probiotics to renew your health.

Colon cleansing helps to maintain your health

The colon is one of the most important organs of your body. It is through the colon that the body discards waste material. However, even if a person has a regular bowel routine some amount of fecal matter always remains in the colon. As fecal matter usually consists of both undigested food and waste material, these can adversely affect your health. You never know how much waste your colon is holding up even if you have regular bowels. So what should you do about it? Well, here your best option as suggested by health experts is colon cleansing.

According to health experts intake of food and exit of the same in the form of waste should be completed within 24 hours. This is a sign of good digestive health. However, if food remains for over 24 hours you can be sure that you have a constipated colon. Food wastes consists high amounts of toxins and if these remain for a longer period inside your digestive tract you can just imagine the condition of your colon. If your body is exposed to these toxins for a longer period you are at a risk of developing lot of diseases. Constipation is bad for health. Therefore you ought to subject your body to a cleansing program that can help get rid of harmful toxins. Colon cleansing is a good option but you should consult with your doctor for proper guidance and suggestion.

Similarly there are ways to keep your digestive system healthy. We all have yeast in the gut but as long as these remain in balanced proportions you won’t suffer from digestive problems. Once these start proliferating you start experiencing digestive complications. Therefore to prevent yeast from developing into a fungus you got to take a probiotic supplement. Allowing the growth of fungus will lead to serious health complications which will depress the immune system and may lead to diseases like cancer.

A probiotic supplement contains friendly bacteria and when these are released into your gut they proliferate quickly. These friendly bacteria help your body to fight off bad bacteria. To maintain a healthy digestive system you need to have sufficient friendly bacteria in your digestive system. Bifidobacterium and lactobacillus (also called Lactic Acid Bacteria or LAB) are two of the most commonly known probiotics—they also have numerous medicinal uses as they are anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory agents. According to scientists there are more than 100 varieties of friendly bacteria that thrive in our intestines. For overall health benefits we need to maintain the balance of these bacteria. If there is imbalance your health will suffer.

Monday 4 April 2011

The Good Bacterium

Do you know that your body is virtually a minefield of bacteria? Yes! You have bacteria living all over your body no matter how many times you shower. The bacteria live both in and on your body—eyes, skin, mouth, hands, throat and the intestines. The bacteria in the intestines, however, are the good guys—they fight and keep harmful bacteria under control so as to keep the body functioning properly. These bacteria are called probiotics. Probiotics are simple single celled organisms or living bacteria that are beneficial to the digestive process when consumed. Probiotics are essential in warding off disorders like inflammatory bowel disease, gastrointestinal infections and irritable bowels. These bacteria break down food and help in the digestion and maximum assimilation. Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus (also called Lactic Acid Bacteria or LAB) are two of the most commonly known probiotics—they also have numerous medicinal uses as they are anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory agents. Research has shown that especially bifidobacterium has extensive tumor and cancer curbing capabilities. Tests on lab animals show that these probiotics when administered to the animals have yielded positive results and help them ward off colon, liver, bladder and breast tumors.

The human intestine has a large array of bacteria which procreate and exist in that harsh environment. These bacteria are helpful in the sense that they regulate the amount of energy extracted from food and also play a role in the digestive process. The most common probiotics strains are Lactobacillus strains. Extensive tests have been carried out to effectively gauge the effect of the probiotics lactobacillus on humans. It has been found that it possesses many medicinal properties, which ensures that it has a bright future in the medical field. The strains of lactobacillus can be ‘customized’ specifically and tailor made to target particular gastrointestinal disorders and execute a speedy cure.

Another probiotics bacterium which is being tested to target and destroy cancer causing T cells is the probiotics Clostridium. It is still considered alternate treatment until full testing and trials are completed. Clostridium has already been used to treat solid tumors. Non pathogenic strains of this bacterium have been inserted in the tumor—there they replicate specifically destroying the malignant cells. In the future these strains may be used to deliver a cure for malignant tumors and save lives. Bacteria are slowly becoming the number one alternative to chemotherapy to treat certain types of cancer—clinical trials have been quite successful.