Friday 22 April 2011

Lactobacillus- The friendly probiotic

As the research suggests, Probiotics are microorganisms, which are beneficial to health. Unlike other harmful bacteria, Probiotics helps to improve the immune system in humans and helps to enhance the digestive power. Scientific research has shown that the balances of friendly bacteria that are present inside a human’s body are hampered due to the strong side effects of antibiotics. Antibiotics cause certain chemicals in them for which harmful side effects occur like diarrhea, constipation, irritable syndrome, Crohn’s disease. Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus are the two main species of Probiotics, which are very much beneficial for our health. The bacteria, which are found in the small intestine, are mostly the species of lactobacillus, whereas, those found in the colon are species of bifidobacterium. As research indicates, Bifidobacteruim belong to the group of lactic acid bacteria. Both of these bacteria are considered very friendly for the human body.

However, there are certain criteria, which are to be considered before regarding bacteria to be probiotic. The first criteria is that the bacteria must be non- pathogenic, adhere to intestinal cells, stable in gastric juices and bile, capable of reproducing itself, produce acids etc. There are certain food products, which contains Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, like Yogurt and Kefir. The probiotics, which are present in Yogurt and kefir, helps to improve the digestive system. Before buying a bottle of Yogurt look for the label ‘live’ or ‘active’, this indicates that it contains acting and living bacteria, which in turn will enhance the digestive power inside the body. Kefir is a creamy milk drink; it is some way similar to Yogurt. Kefir contains bacteria such as Lactobacillus Caucasus.

Cheese is another dairy product, which contains useful bacteria. In blue cheese and other aged cheeses, useful probiotics are present in them. Other dairy products, which contain probiotics, are buttermilk and acidophilus, which undergoes the fermentation process and in turn breaks down the milk sugar into lactic acid. Acidophilus milk is in turn cultured with the probiotic Lactobacillus acidophilus. Probiotics are also present in nondairy fermented foods, such as fermented cabbage, Korean spicy cabbage, fermented soybeans products and Soya sauce. However, some commercial brands of fermented foods like fermented cabbage do not contain probiotics.

According to recent research analysis, probiotic therapies provides numerous health benefits like, they help to re establish the normal functioning of the intestines, prevents colon cancer, helps to reduce irritable bowel syndrome and colitis, improves the total immunity power and helps to prevent infections. Lactobacillus colon cleansing is done with the help of carefully tested herbs to achieve a state of perfect health Therefore, intake probiotics food supplements to keep you healthy and fresh.

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