Monday 25 April 2011

Colon Cleansing and maintaining proper balance of Lactobacillus

Colon is the place in our large intestine where fermentation of unabsorbed food material occurs. It is responsible for removing water and salt from solid wastes, but does not play a major role in absorption of nutrients. Since solid wastes are stored in colon, cleansing it regularly is very important for a healthy living. Otherwise the accumulated waste pumps toxins back into the blood stream causing diseases like hypertension, dizziness, acne, skin problems, insomnia and most importantly adverse conditions lead to colon cancer.

Colon is like sewerage system of our body, if not cleaned properly it results in constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, frequent flatulence and bad breath. There are so many ways to cleanse the colon, like regular intake of laxatives, detoxification, enemas, natural herbs and probiotics. Colon cleansing aids in the proper functioning of vital organs in our body and also helps to maintain perfect health, and acne-free skin.

In the process of cleansing the colon, it is essential to maintain the balance of friendly bowel bacteria which aids digestion. Probiotics are body-friendly bacteria. They are live micro-organisms and when administered in adequate quantities, it confers health benefits on human digestive system. They are used in the treatment of range of intestinal related problems.

Lactobacillus is a type of probiotic strain. It is a gram positive bacterium with dark blue strains responsible for converting lactose and sugars to lactic acid. Some lactobacilli are used in the production of yogurt, cheese, chocolate, and other fermented foods. This bacterium has therapeutic properties, and dietary administration protects us against colon cancer and colon tumor. They also posses anti-inflammatory property and play a role in defense against many deadly viruses. Lactobacillus typically inhabits the intestine and protects the entry of diseases causing organisms and viruses. They help in breaking down the food particles into lactic acid and other byproducts, which make the environment hostile for disease causing organisms.

Lactobacillus also has demonstrated anti-mutative property because of their ability to bind with carcinogenic substances. A detailed study of the curative effects of lactobacillus on human being is missing, but recent studies have concluded that, there is a low rate of colon cancer among people who regularly take fermented dairy products. As these bacteria are involved in converting lactose to lactic acid, they help lactose intolerants to consume more dairy products. Regular intake of antibiotics as well as active colon cleansing destroys the lactobacillus. So it is essential to maintain a proper balance of healthy bacteria for proper digestion of food.

On the other hand, probiotics can also be harmful if the person consuming it is ill. Much scientific knowledge is still needed to use it more safely. The condition of a person with poor immune system becomes fatal when they consume too much of probiotics supplements.

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