Tuesday 5 April 2011

Colon cleansing helps to maintain your health

The colon is one of the most important organs of your body. It is through the colon that the body discards waste material. However, even if a person has a regular bowel routine some amount of fecal matter always remains in the colon. As fecal matter usually consists of both undigested food and waste material, these can adversely affect your health. You never know how much waste your colon is holding up even if you have regular bowels. So what should you do about it? Well, here your best option as suggested by health experts is colon cleansing.

According to health experts intake of food and exit of the same in the form of waste should be completed within 24 hours. This is a sign of good digestive health. However, if food remains for over 24 hours you can be sure that you have a constipated colon. Food wastes consists high amounts of toxins and if these remain for a longer period inside your digestive tract you can just imagine the condition of your colon. If your body is exposed to these toxins for a longer period you are at a risk of developing lot of diseases. Constipation is bad for health. Therefore you ought to subject your body to a cleansing program that can help get rid of harmful toxins. Colon cleansing is a good option but you should consult with your doctor for proper guidance and suggestion.

Similarly there are ways to keep your digestive system healthy. We all have yeast in the gut but as long as these remain in balanced proportions you won’t suffer from digestive problems. Once these start proliferating you start experiencing digestive complications. Therefore to prevent yeast from developing into a fungus you got to take a probiotic supplement. Allowing the growth of fungus will lead to serious health complications which will depress the immune system and may lead to diseases like cancer.

A probiotic supplement contains friendly bacteria and when these are released into your gut they proliferate quickly. These friendly bacteria help your body to fight off bad bacteria. To maintain a healthy digestive system you need to have sufficient friendly bacteria in your digestive system. Bifidobacterium and lactobacillus (also called Lactic Acid Bacteria or LAB) are two of the most commonly known probiotics—they also have numerous medicinal uses as they are anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory agents. According to scientists there are more than 100 varieties of friendly bacteria that thrive in our intestines. For overall health benefits we need to maintain the balance of these bacteria. If there is imbalance your health will suffer.

1 comment:

  1. colon cleansing is that it helps unleash the toxins from the body.This blog is fantastic. There is often all of the suitable information and facts at the recommendations of my fingers. Many thanks and maintain up the good work.
    Colon Cleansing
